Dominique Meeùs
Dernière modification le
Bibliographie :
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Auteurs : A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
Auteur-œuvres : A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
Never Use More Than Two Different Typefaces, 2010
Never Use More Than Two Different Typefaces : And 50 other Ridiculous Typography Rules, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam , 2010, 450 pages, ISBN : 978-90-6369-216-2.
Le mot Ridiculous dans le titre, c’est pour le fun. Le livre n’est ni pour ni contre les cinquante dites règles. (Et il en ajoute une
51e : Break the rules.) Sur chacune des règles, il donne des citations pour ou contre.
- Never use more than two different typefaces
- Use a grid
- Good type speaks louder than words
- There is no such thing as bad type
- Use italics to create emphasis
- Type design is a discipline
- Make it legible
- Try and error
- Don’t let bad spelling hurt great design
- Stick with (sans) serif
- Good designers copy, great designers steal
- Never use the space bar to align text
- Create a strong hierarchy
- Typeface dictates the message
- Don’t turn the typeface into an image
- Never stretch a font
- Good typeface is invisible
- “Design is thinking made visual”
- Make it readable
- A picture is worth a thousand words
- Never use all CAPS
- “Design is a problem-solving activity”
- Never use an image behind your text
- Consider the medium
- (S)pace yourself
- Contrast between type and background
- Freehand is obsolete
- Helvetica always works
- Avoid combining similar typefaces
- Never use Comic Sans
- Type needs rhythm
- Find a good balance
- Stick to the basics
- Bigger is better
- Avoid widows and orphans
- “Don’t try to be original, just try to be good”
- Make it pretty
- Hold the (base)line
- Turn it upside down
- God is in the details
- Align left
- Know your audience
- Stick to screen fonts
- Name that type!
- “Never use white type on a black background”
- Keep it neutral
- The client is always right
- Indicate paragraphs
- Be creative
- Designers hate Arial
- Break the rules
Acheté chez Pêle-Mêle à Bruxelles le lundi 26 juin 2023.