Dominique Meeùs
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Bibliographie : table des matières, index des notions — Retour à la page personnelle
Auteurs : A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
Auteur-œuvres : A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,

Never Use More Than Two Different Typefaces, 2010

Never Use More Than Two Different Typefaces : And 50 other Ridiculous Typography Rules, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam , 2010, 450 pages, ISBN : 978-90-6369-216-2.

Le mot Ridiculous dans le titre, c’est pour le fun. Le livre n’est ni pour ni contre les cinquante dites règles. (Et il en ajoute une 51e : Break the rules.) Sur chacune des règles, il donne des citations pour ou contre.

  1. Never use more than two different typefaces
  2. Use a grid
  3. Good type speaks louder than words
  4. There is no such thing as bad type
  5. Use italics to create emphasis
  6. Type design is a discipline
  7. Make it legible
  8. Try and error
  9. Don’t let bad spelling hurt great design
  10. Stick with (sans) serif
  11. Good designers copy, great designers steal
  12. Never use the space bar to align text
  13. Create a strong hierarchy
  14. Typeface dictates the message
  15. Don’t turn the typeface into an image
  16. Never stretch a font
  17. Good typeface is invisible
  18. “Design is thinking made visual”
  19. Make it readable
  20. A picture is worth a thousand words
  21. Never use all CAPS
  22. “Design is a problem-solving activity”
  23. Never use an image behind your text
  24. Consider the medium
  25. (S)pace yourself
  26. Contrast between type and background
  27. Freehand is obsolete
  28. Helvetica always works
  29. Avoid combining similar typefaces
  30. Never use Comic Sans
  31. Type needs rhythm
  32. Find a good balance
  33. Stick to the basics
  34. Bigger is better
  35. Avoid widows and orphans
  36. “Don’t try to be original, just try to be good”
  37. Make it pretty
  38. Hold the (base)line
  39. Turn it upside down
  40. God is in the details
  41. Align left
  42. Know your audience
  43. Stick to screen fonts
  44. Name that type!
  45. “Never use white type on a black background”
  46. Keep it neutral
  47. The client is always right
  48. Indicate paragraphs
  49. Be creative
  50. Designers hate Arial
  51. Break the rules
Acheté chez Pêle-Mêle à Bruxelles le lundi 26 juin 2023.