Dominique Meeùs
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Auteur-œuvres : A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
That being the case, and the nature of our subject being confused, in addition to the continued disagreement through the ages among investigators who have undertaken to examine it, and because the manner of vision has not been ascertained, we have thought it appropriate that we direct our attention to this subject as much as we can, and seriously apply ourselves to it, and examine it, and diligently inquire into its nature. We should, that is, recommence the inquiry into its principles and premisses, beginning our investigation with an inspection of the things that exist and a survey of the conditions of visible objects. We should distinguish the properties of particulars, and gather by induction what pertains to the eye when vision takes place and what is found in the manner of sensation to be uniform, unchanging, manifest and not subject to doubt. After which we should ascend in our inquiry and reasonings, gradually and orderly, criticizing premisses and exercising caution in regard to conclusions — our aim in all that we make subject to inspection and review being to employ justice, not to follow prejudice, and to take care in all that we judge and criticize that we seek the truth and not to be swayed by opinion. We may in this way eventually come to the truth that gratifies the heart and gradually and carefully reach the end at which certainty appears; while through criticism and caution we may seize the truth that dispels disagreement and resolves doubtful matters.
Les commentateurs s’accordent à voir ici une bonne caractérisation de la méthode scientifique. L’observation et l’expérimentation ne servent pas seulement de source de la connaissance, mais aussi, et c’est plus important encore, de test de la valeur de celle-ci : « through criticism and caution we may seize the truth ». Peut-être considérée comme vraie (jusqu’à preuve du contraire) une théorie qui a résisté aux efforts de la mettre en défaut.
On est en droit de penser qu’Ibn al-Haytham est la première personne qui fait de la science en sachant ce qu’il fait : en comprenant ce qui distingue la science de l’opinion et en l’écrivant pour ses lecteurs.